Well finally after counting down for nearly a year we are back. We is me, hubby and Mr 14.
We left Perth 10 minutes late only to arrive in Bali 25 minutes early. People talk about immigration in Bali but Perth really needs to learn a few things about their passport control. We waited 4 times as long (as what we did to enter Bali) here after waiting to check in. Literally as soon as we were through quick toilet trip then we were receiving a final call for the third time!
So off to Bali we go. I felt like a mushroom wedged between hubby and son as both over 6 foot and really there is no such thing as leg room. Flew Garuda and can't complain about the flight except that they was a fair bit of turbulence so seat belts most of the way.
Arrive in Bali - off the plane quickly as they were filtering people of both ends. On to bus off to terminal. Me heads for VOA while boys line up. They are being called as I race over with our visas.
Through quickly then had to wait a good half hour for our bags. But we're here and able to move around rather than stuck in a queue!
Out to taxi stall and Rp 55 000 (all my amounts include the tip with Taxi that is usually 5 000)we are off to Kuta to stay at the Harris resort.
We arrive and I am very pleased with our choice our family suite turns out to be two whole rooms and 1.5 bath. (2 loos and one shower/bath) So can't complain...............
Here now.................HNR 2
Day one continues.........we dumped our luggage then headed straight out to change a few $$$ then off to lunch. Rate 8390 I always bring Rp 300-400,000 back to Perth then at least we have some cash on arrival for taxi, tips etc.
We had lunch at a firm old favourite. La Walon Rp 168,000 (3 main and 2 Bintang and 2 soft drinks) then straight up Poppies 1 to the nearly the end to Bali Bed Covers to see Jenny and Rafi. They have become good friends as Rafi says “Nothing is impossible” It appears that this is true. Mr 14 has been working all year (soccer refereeing) and saving his pocket money and has saved a grand total of $980 (considering he only gets $10 a week) which he wants to blow it on a custom made bass guitar. More on that later as I don’t have all the correct details and if I post the wrong info he’ll be furious! But anyway we went to talk to Rafi to get the ball rolling! Ball is rolling!
I went to get three sim cards and put Rp 50,000 on each so a total of Rp 261,000 so that we can all stay in touch and the boys can text me from the back seat of the taxi always good fun to annoy Mum.
Boys went back to the hotel to check out the pool; which is good; plenty of sun lounges and material not vinyl cushions with a head rest. Very comfy!
I taxi-ed Rp 5000 down to Kuta Square to the Matahari to get supplies eats/snacks for Mr 14 soft drink to replace Mini bar and a few small Bintangs and shampoo and face wash and moisturizer and all that. Decent razors and blades are always very cheap so always stock up Grand total of Rp 377,255 all in a box and taxi back to Harris Rp 10,000.
Two small Bintang and a soft drink later Rp 35,000 we decide to taxi Rp 10,000 back up to Harris and then Mum (me) decides that I need to go to Kreshna Jewellery at the Bali Rani so see about getting my ring made. So we’re off. Taxi Rp 10,000. I’ve not used Mrs Pak before but she comes highly recommended. I don’t know where she was before but if you taxi to the BR and get out and walk right third shop along within the hotel is her. I have a ring that I hate (another long story but was quoted AUD$750 to get what I want done) Here I am quote AUD $250 plus that includes getting two other rings sized. So I leave all three rings and she’ll call me in about a week when they are ready! One job done!
Taxi back to Harris Rp 20,000 I spent a bit of time unpacking and organizing all our stuff! We have always kept in touch with a good friend from a Kids Club that we used years ago and he has got married since we’ve known him and my son now plays fotsal with him and his team mates every Monday night when we are here. So his wife is working so we’ve invited him to join us for a meal at this evening to catch up and to give him a few gifts from Perth.
So he arrives and we all head off to Poppies to eat we decided on TJ’s as we’ve never been there. It was okay but expensive for Bali standards for what we received. In saying that it was busy and people seem to be very happy. But my humble opinion is that it was okay but nothing to rave about so we won’t be returning. Hubby’s Huge Prawns arrived and there were only 4 so he left hungry! Rp 371,900 (4 main, 3 soft drinks and 1 beer) Back to the guitar shop to talk to Rafi and Jenny some more!!! It’s a good portion of our life and trip sorting guitars. But it’s always good to catch up with friends!
Back to the hotel and drop our young man off and he got some serious computer to do to catch up with his mates back home! Hubby and I catch a taxi Rp 10,000 up to Jalan Melasti to the markets to have a look round as we’ve done many times in the past in the early evening. Most of the stalls closed! Into Sheppies for round (one large Bintang and one softy) and a follow-up from the small portion for hubby from TJ’s so calamari and a fruit platter later and another round Rp ,82,000. Then a final round at Taman Sari Cottages Rp 35,200 and a slow walk back to the resort.
A very bust day one but we’re here; we slept well!
Here now.................HNR 3
Day two .......................for those that are into guitars my son is having a custom made 5 string bass with a wammi bar modelled after a traben phoenix. Google it - it’s cool. EMG pickups and 24 frets. We ordered the wammi Bar before leaving Perth and bought that with us.
OK now a few details on the resort. They appear to have a great selection of activities to do for free at the hotel; like try a scuba diving session and cooking etc and as I said all free. But you need to look at the schedule when you arrive as it rotates each week and you might miss out on exactly what you want to do if you don’t know it’s on............
Breakfast in my opinion is great! A huge selection but no sign of bacon, yet, not that it really phases me. There is an egg station outside and two separate local stations inside with soupy type stuff and cereals and toast and various breads and pastries and fresh fruit and then the hot food. Rice and noodles, plus a salad bar, each morning and various local veggies dishes and two meat type things. Also fresh pancakes and the VERY best feature is that inside is non smoking so with Mr 14 and his asthmas it’s perfect for us!
More than happy to answer any individual questions on the resort; actually found it quite hard to get a lot of feedback when I was booking but we’re very happy and would stay here again so that‘s it really ok.
Hubby and I went to drop off some laundry and in Kuta here they seems to just weigh it and you are charged by the kilo. Far quicker than listing each item on a sheet and adding up individually. But anyway! We appear to do about 2-3 kilos each day and am charged Rp 7000 per kilo! So can’t complain! I’m just happy that I am not doing it!
We walked down to Kuta square as I was looking for a chemist. The one thing I forgot was to bring son‘s asthma preventer. So trying to get one here. More later. Bought some band aids etc while in Chemist Rp 13 000 but couldn’t get preventer here.
A few more supplies in Matahari while we’re in the neighbourhood Rp 46,200 then a taxi back to the Harris Rp 10,000.
We are them off to Denpasar to the soccer shop (taxi-wait and help translate) then back to Ramayana whole Taxi was Rp 85,000. My son plays fotsal in Perth and this is the second year where I get the shirts for the team from the local soccer supplier. Each shirt cost Rp 50,000 which includes their names (Pork-Chop, Paki, NerdyM, Africa, Zero, Undead, Shadoww, Wog Boi, Mav) and their chosen number printed on the back. Then we also have to have a goalie shirt for Rp 89,000 and a ball for Rp 169,000 and two sets of goalie gloves Rp 110,000 each and finally fotsal shoes for Rp 414,000. BUT far cheaper than getting them in Perth. Shirts will be ready for collection in 48 hours! Turns out shirts are ready in 24 hours and delivered to the Kuta store so that we don’t have to go all the way to Denpasar. BUT remember that the shop’s staff English isn’t great so you need to know what you want. We actually take a printed sheet with all the names and number neatly typed up so there can be no misunderstandings! Quality excellent and everyone very happy!
Next into Ramayana to buy me two pairs of trainers in the sale one black one white and one pair for Mr 14 king gong size. 4 pairs of socks too! Rp 937,300
Taxi back to Kuta Rp 75,000 which includes going to a great pharmacy which has everything and of course in true Bali style you don’t need a script. So me forgetting the puffer is an expensive little exercise but I can get the exact same on so I am happy Rp 334,000.
Had lunch at Bali Summer not overly impressed the meals all arrived separately one had completely finished before the next arrived and the second was completely finished before the third arrived. But anyway Rp 216 000 (2 Bintang, 2 soft and 1 water)
Taxi back to Harris 10,000 then hubby and I are off for a drink and again we agree we are not walking all the way down to out the front of the IKBB but where do we end up at Bob’s bar again! 40,000 later. Off to the Kuta art markets on the way home. Two short and one long pants me 150,000 probably paid more than we should have but we wanted them and it was hot and we were tired.
Matahari for more supplies 141,000 and taxi back to the Harris 17,000 traffic horrendous. We all went for a swim then catch up on a few emails.
Taxi up to La Monde in Legian 15,000 it’s been a favourite for years. 195 500 catch up with a shop owner Tony whose just outside the Jayakarta where we stayed years ago. We still pop in every trip and order a whole load of shirts for son. Taxi back to Poppies 20,000 and dropped son at Hotel. Hubby and I got out at Kuta square and went round corner to Ketut’s DVD store; another place that we frequent regularly. Picked up one PS2 game to keep Mr 14 busy with tomorrow if needed.
Bought three muscle shirts in XXXL for hubby for 120,000. Had a round at the Tree House Poppies 35,000 and another at the wool shed 38,000 and on the final walk home bought myself three long pants for 150,000. Again wanted them...........
Here now.................HNR 4
Okay sorry for the delay in posting but been a bit busy having a good time and getting to Lombok (which incidentally I love – more on that later).
Back to Day three in Bali. Exchange rate Rp 8400.
Had breakfast early then dragged the boys out to deliver the laundry. As we leave the hotel the porters offer us a brollie but Hubby says we don’t need that. It had rained shortly before but it all looked ok. Well we set off down the fairly long drive by the time we get to the gate it’s pouring; torrential rain! Monsoon season is here early. We stand with a few other getting shelter under the carport type entrance to the Hotel and when the rain slows/stops we decided to risk it walking along to sort laundry! As we are walking along some moron drives straight through a puddle next to us and Mr 14 and I are drenched from head to foot well me for head to foot including face! I am far from amused. We get to our favourite laundry shop and while there the boys do the deal on 7 shorts various styles (including a few of the army style with 100’s of pockets) Rp 400,000 we deliver three kilos of laundry which is being done for the grand total of Rp 42,000. Then we taxi to the sports store to find Fotsal shoes that we were unable to find in Denpasar yesterday and we’re now getting desperate as Mr 14 plays fotsal when we are in Bali with a hotel team where we have stayed many many times. So he’ll be letting the side down if he’s not kitted out ready to play.
We have the shoes and after off and we say see you tomorrow so that we can collect the shirts that have been printed no no no you can’t leave now the shirts are here already. Less than 24 hours after ordering the shirts are here all ready to go. How’s that for service. All shirts checked and they are perfect. Mr 14 very happy!
All jumped back in to our waiting taxi to the resort and Hubby & I jump out at Kuta Square and I drag him into the croc shop. Son continues home in the taxi with the shopping and pays Rp 80,000 for the round trip! I insist on hubby getting a decent pair of crocs to walk in. RP 650,000 later we’re off to Bob’s bar on the beach in front of the IKBB and Rp 45,000 worth of drinks later hubby and his new toes are ready to leave.
Not only has he had a shoulder massage Rp 20,000 but he’s also had a pedicure and now has cute little palm trees on his big toes. Son is absolutely mortified and totally embarrassed what will people think? Both of us found it quite amusing that night when his toes were wiggling and he explained that the breeze was swaying his palm trees.
Walked back up to met Mike and our Indonesian friend who I will call K for lunch. He sadly had eaten so joined us while we ate Rp 146,000 at the Tree Top. Then Rafi rang with more info about the guitar that is being custom built so we had to scoff lunch and head up there. To cut a long story short there is a supplier that will make the guitar but he wants 2 million deposit (total 5.5 million) so back to the hotel for all and Mum heads back to put a deposit on the guitar shop. Leaves hubby in Poppies to test the Bintang’s nearby!
Son and K busy in the pool. So he’s happy then after swimming they are off to Fotsal so hubby and I have the afternoon and evening alone! Not an option normally. So first we get a few boring jobs out of the way! After the all important deposit is made and the guitar is now commissioned! Hubby and I head to bemo corner and walk down to Dayu II (Drinks Rp 40,000) which is an old favourite as our Driver Norman is there during the day when he's not out of trips! Catch up with Norman and organize to call him when we arrive back from Lombok to do at least one day trip!
Rp 60,000 for two pairs of thongs then we’re back at Bob’s Bar on the beach in front of the IKBB. I thought we weren’t drinking here this trip. It was too far from our hotel! Rp 55,000 then off to the Matahari for Sunglasses for hubby and there pairs of Boxers. 488,000 (sunnies) Rp 119,700 for boxers.
Then we decide to Taxi up to Seminyak and spoil our selves by eating Indian (Mr 14 would not approve) at the Queens Tandoor. Rp328,020 So we can’t complain and we had (2 lge Bintangs & 2 softies) We also had a starter that we don’t normally have and I have to say the customer service was the best we’ve seen in Bali in a very long time! Popped in the Bintang Supermarket to buy something small so that we had change for the taxi! Rp 7,000 later.
Taxi Rp 15,000 down to Melasti Street walked up to Ketut’s but she was already well and truly closed and it was still early! One more drinks stop Rp 40,000 then we walked back through the back lanes of Kuta to the hotel. Another pit stop on route Rp 30,000.
Caught up with son who had had a ball at fotsal and was very proud of himself as he’s scored a goal.
Here now.................HNR 5
Day four Rp 8400
Up slightly later which we regretted as it seemed the whole world as at brekkie. But not to worry still got fed. Collected washing and delivered more. I headed back to hotel to post on BTF and to wait for a friend to turn up to collect paint. Those that were around last year reading my JBR will recall that I also bought fabric paint from Oz for a friends brother who does t-shirt painting and I wanted to off load the 7.5 kgs before heading to Lombok.
Boys head to Poppies 1 to have a Ukulele lesson. Another long story but at the Bali BedCovers shop you can get handmade ukulele’s that are made from one piece of wood. Stunning workman ship and cheap! Well last year Mr 14 got one for his birthday but had no idea how to play it so we bought it back to Bali for two reasons one for lessons from Rafi and two for him to have something to do while here. He’s always playing a guitar at home and I was worried that he would miss his instruments while we’re here for a month.
In Bali Bedcovers & Guitar shop |
NB: Well lessons are working a week since he picked it up he’s can play a few tunes. So I’m not complaining he actually sounds quite good but don’t tell him I said that ........................
While getting his lessons Mr 14 bought himself a chromatic tuner reckons he needed one for ages Rp 240,000 (his money his choice) we all met for lunch at the Warong Beach Club Rp 216,700 next to Maccas. Sent Mr 14 back to hotel in a cab! Rp 10,000 Then Dad and I headed for Bob’s beach bar Rp 55,000 and a bought two necklaces and three bracelets from Nicky Bob’s wife which I didn’t want which I never want but always buy from Nicky or a I never get any peace. J Which if course I over paid for Rp 80,000 Dad had a shoulder massage Rp 20,000 and a manicure Rp 30,000 and for the first time in 20 years I had my toe nails painted bright red with little flowers which I loved after my pedicure Rp 30,000; picked up a couple of muscles shirts XXXL in the art markets for Rp 65,000 then taxi back to the Harris Rp 10,000.
Short rest then Dad and I headed up to the Melasti Street markets and he bought one more muscle for Rp 30,000 had a round in Garlic Lane Rp 40,000 then my husband (who at this point I am calling all sorts of names) decides we are going to walk through/round a huge puddle in one of the back lanes. So here I am in slip ons and long white yes I said long white pants trying to skirt my way round a huge puddle. But anyway made it back to hotel with minimal damage!
We then caught a taxi up to our friends Tony shop near the Jayakarta and son picked up his five muscle shirts that he had pre-ordered Rp 125,000 then we walked round to Yut’z. Now those that have read all my reports will recall that I am a midget next to my boys. They out stand and out weigh me so we usually try for a 4-6 seater table over a 2-4 due to shoulder room. Well at Yut’z they would not let us sit at a table unless it was for 4 as we are only 3. So we left and walked across the road. We had a lovely meal at another favourite La Casa across the road. Rp 221,000. We’ll never go back to Yut’z!!!!
Tiddles (Mr 14) taxied back to hotel Rp 40,000 and hubby & I walked down to Discovery. Took his old reading glasses into an optometrist and got them serviced for Rp 30,000 new nose pads and the gentlemen spent ages straighten the frames. Chemist stop Rp 51,000 I bought three tops for Rp 200,00 only to have to take them back and change them later as they were the wrong size couldn’t be bothered to try them on at the time. Next time worth wasting the time to try them on. Round of drinks at the Bali Bull Rp 40,000 then headed back up to Poppies to the guitar shop to pay the postage that we owe. Those following the guitar saga. Son ordered a 5 string whammy bar bridge from the USA and we needed to post this to the supplier which is custom building his bass. Rp 20,000 later all sorted. Walk back to the Harris, round at bar opposite Fat Yogi’s Rp 40,000 via the mini mart where hubby bought a few beers. Rp 49,500.
This is where the Lombok flight saga begins! We asked the hotel to confirm our flights to Lombok. Done - flight has changed from 12 noon departure to 1600 departure. Not ideal but what choice so we have...........
Here now.................HNR 6
Day five Rp 8400
Thanks to all on the BTF but I have now been able to work out how to get my mobile phoning Oz and others. Landlines and mobiles – finally; it‘s only taken nearly 4 days!!!!!
Up early; off to deliver laundry Rp 14,000 and changed some more cash. Back to hotel, then we all taxi Rp 30,000 down to Kuta square. All head to Ketut’s DVD store opposite the art markets to choose the annual DVD’s etc. We choose 11 Wii games for Rp 200,000 then 26 PS2 200,000 and 70 DVD’s for 500,000 so Rp 900,000 later all sorted but way too heavy to carry so we leave pick up for another day! Walked down to art markers to collect 2 water bottle holders that I had made for a friend! Crocheted ones Rp 65,000 for a large and a small made in black.
Took Mr 14 to Bob’s bar to met Bob and to say G’day to the rest of the family. Ice cream on the beach Rp 10,000 drinks Rp 35,000 massage Dad Rp 20,000 then walked along to the Yulia Inn (not a lot of choices) for lunch Rp 260,000 then taxi back to the Harris.
Son is an avid online Gamer and had organized a huge do this evening (he was told first and last while we are in Bali) so would not be able to join us for dinner. Due to us being long stay guests in the Harris we have been given two (even though there was three of us) meal vouchers for a set meal in the cafe. So I went and spoke to the manager and yes after some discussion a meal from the set menu could be delivered to the room this evening. So Mr 14 all organized!
Off to see Rafi for another lesson and I bought a queen batik bed cover Rp 400,000 been looking at them over for years and finally decide to bite the bullet! I love it!!! Took a load of photos while in the bedcover shop of their hand held instruments as I have promised the Indonesian teacher at school that I will organise her some supplies while I am doing nothing!
Looks like rain!!!!!! Again!!!!! No Rafi says it won’t rain! Maybe later. Three doors down Poppies the heavens open so we have to make a pit stop at Swell Bar for brownies and drinks Rp 70,000.
Taxi back to Harris to drop Mr Gamer then same taxi Rp 35,000 out to Galleria where at the big book store I bought Rp 280,000 of kids books in Indonesia for the Indo teacher. I know I’m a mug!
Dinner for two at Dayu 11 Rp 181,500 then walked back up to see Jenny and Rafi at the guitar/bedcover shop Two guitar pic key rings Rp 60,000. On way home we stop at the mini mart for supplies Rp 75,000 and local chemist for cold and flu tablets Rp 20,000 as hubby has the sniffles. May be coming down with a cold???
Here now.................HNR 7
Day five Rp 8450
Ok a quieter day today as hubby is unwell and start him on Antibiotics and it seems to do the job.
A side note for those that are interested. Bought AB’s at a small local chemist and they cost me Rp 100,000 bough the same ones at the resort in Lombok a few days later from the clinic onsite and they cost me Rp 25,000. So you never can tell.
Today is a festival Day here in Bali so all the hotel staff (well most of them) are dressed in ceremony dress which makes a nice change. Melanting Temple is celebrating their Piodalan (temple festival).
Up early and off out to deliver the laundry Rp 14,000 and to change a few AUD $$$. Rang my Mother-in-law in Sydney to say G’day and found her in a right state. Thank God you phoned etc etc!!!! Hubby works for Telstra and so we have a few mobiles (as you can imagine on staff plans) and she has lost hers and she rang Telstra and they wouldn’t let her suspend the service etc etc. So back to the hotel and I spend 30 minutes on the phone with Telstra sorting out that mess; cost me less that Rp 20,000 so really can’t complain about the cost of the phone calls with my simpati sim card. Just wish we could sort out the bloody sms’s - still can’t do them!
Then I start contacting my travel agent in Pinjarra to try and sort out the Lombok flight mess. She tells me that I am to call the airline here and demand (yes demand) a guaranteed time of departure. So I ask the reception to ring for me but they say that there is no such thing as a guaranteed time of departure. God I wish I’d booked Garuda!
There are seats on the Garuda flight to Lombok for AUD $88 each do we want to ditch our seats and book those. Off to discuss with hubby. No we are going to go with the flow and see what happens! But incidentally the flight time has changed again. Now we depart at 1530! Will this never end!!!!
Son’s decides that he needs another Ukulele lesson so off to Bali Bedcovers to see Rafi. 90 minutes later hubby and I have walked to Supernova a great local supermarket Rp 59,000 ( 2 spray repellent and 2 material hankies) in Kuta to stock up on mozzie repellent (another thing I forgot to bring this year) normally never leave home without at least one tin. Lunch at the restaurant opposite La Walon; sorry name escapes me Rp 130,000 (1 sm beer & 2 soft) then we headed back to the hotel for a rest and rang to book an appointment for Honeyman to come to the hotel. Honeyman arrives half an hour early and although we order through him every year (last year he was in Java but his brother did the deal) certainly wasn’t cheap this year.
In case you haven’t guessed I’m somewhat anal retentive with figures etc so I have already dragged my book out and I know exactly what we paid last year so I know that Honeyman isn’t doing us any favours! Immediately 200,000 is dropped of the price! Anyway two pairs of reading glasses which are only magnification which very ordinary frames are ordered for Rp 1,300,000 deposit for Rp 650,000 paid! Umm maybe there needs to be a re-think for next year!!! We have good health insurance in Australia with good optical benefits so maybe time to start using that for hubby! Honeyman will be at the hotel at 5 pm the next day to deliver glasses!
Hubby and I walked down to Bob’s bar Rp 55,000 (yep same bar we are not going to walk down to as it’s too far) and I left hubby there while I went to collect the huge stack of DVD’s that we had chosen a few days back and change the two tops that I bought that needed a size adjustment.............Taxi back up to the Harris and collect Mr 14 and use the same taxi Rp 20,000 to head to Nasi Bali for pork ribs. Had them last year and they were to die for. They were good but don’t know if they were to die for..................dinner Rp 297,000 (1 sm beer & 2 soft). Taxi down to Poppies due to another torrential down pour! Rp 10,000. Taxi driver wanted to do the loop and take up all the way round past Hard Rock and into Poppies but we said no thank you numerous times and he wasn’t amused so instead of dropping up at the end for Poppies 1 where we were only 50m from where we wanted to be he insisted we got out 100m further up Jalan Legian which meant we got very wet!!! But not to worry we arrive at Bali Bedcovers looking this three drowned mice and Jenny hands me a towel! It was that bad. The couch (need to go to the shop to find out what I’m talking about) is occupied! Well this is a development. It seems that we meet Lynn and her better half Agung ( I think- sorry of I’ve got it wrong) who have just put down the deposit on a tattoo shop near Bemo corner and are very excited about the whole thing. Sounds great but the service that impressed me was that they have freelance available for those of us (namely me) we aren’t into tats and have no idea what that means it means that they will come to you in your hotel and do your tat there. Which sounds like a pretty good customer service to me. Dragged their card out for those that are mad enough to endure the pain. Certainly not me!!! Email goerat_tattoo1@hotmail.com or phone (+62) 813 9460 7413. Hope this helps and we wish them all the very best in their new venue!!! Seemed like a lovely couple.
While we are getting all the latest on the tattoo process Mr 14 and Rafi are busy strumming away on their matching ukulele’s and they are playing the same tune together and starting to sound quite good! Two hours later! By then Jenny and I have ordered 60 odd instruments (at the moment the price is just over 1.4 million) for the Indonesian teacher at home which an average cost of AUD$2.70 per instrument. Jenny now knows what we want so she and Rafi will organize the buying of them and then we’ll have to get them back to Perth. The advantage of buying through Jenny and Rafi at Bali Bedcovers is that they regularly travel back to Perth and they know what gets through customs and what doesn’t like for instance they have been having the skins on their drums treated and it seems that these treated drum tops are making it back without fumigation! Also a lot cheaper than the plastic ones..........food for thought.
Taxi Rp 10,000 back up to Harris after collecting our Laundry and buying Mr 14 two more pairs of shorts for Rp 120,000.
More later for those that are interested. Thanks for reading!Posted 28/09/2010
Rp 8450
Now this is where it gets confusing:
It cost Rp 234,000 x 2 for my boys to get in.
Over 12 is adult then K paid for himself with our money otherwise they charge us more for him. But he showed his hotel ID and got a discount and was only charged Rp 162,000 then I put the change of 1 million on the card. Lockers cost p 25,000 but there is a deposit of Rp 30,000 which you get back once you return the key. 3 towels are Rp 30,000 then the deposit of Rp 186,000 the arm band which you have your cash credit to costs Rp 5,000 and I forget the deposit then there was lunch the boys think it was 2 pizzas at Rp 53,000 each and one French fries at Rp 33,000 and then three soft drinks!
Over 12 is adult then K paid for himself with our money otherwise they charge us more for him. But he showed his hotel ID and got a discount and was only charged Rp 162,000 then I put the change of 1 million on the card. Lockers cost p 25,000 but there is a deposit of Rp 30,000 which you get back once you return the key. 3 towels are Rp 30,000 then the deposit of Rp 186,000 the arm band which you have your cash credit to costs Rp 5,000 and I forget the deposit then there was lunch the boys think it was 2 pizzas at Rp 53,000 each and one French fries at Rp 33,000 and then three soft drinks!
Footnote on the Waterbom in the past I have been able to pop in to see hubby to top up cash or what ever just leave my room key at reception and Waterbom staff are quite happy. But since June 2010 now no-one goes in no matter how briefly!!!!
Once they are safely inside I head over to Discovery and sit in Starbucks enjoying an ice coffee and pastry for Rp 62,500 waiting for Discovery to open. Had booked myself a nails appointment at 1000 (can’t book before that as Discovery not open)so had to wait a while anyways!
Had nails done with Acrylic (refills) and then decided to have them painted and while I was sitting there decided to treat myself to a proper pedicure too. So spent the next 90 minutes enjoyed being spoilt. There was a lovely American Lady who lives in Indonesian sitting there and we a had a lovely chat! Now I have lovely matching toes and nails with beautiful flowers on my big toes. Rp 450,000. While I’m having my nails done I get a call from Mrs Pak my ring is ready. Yippy!!!
So across the road to collect my long awaited ring which is EVERYTHING I ever dreamed it could be. It’s wonderful I am soo happy with it! There is gold and diamonds left over so another smaller ring is commissioned!
Rp 103,000 later Rp 100,000 credit put on my phone. Also in a tiny mini market down from the Bali Rani bought a pair of reading glasses for hubby for Rp 43,000 just off the shelf; so maybe Honeyman is having a lend!
Walked into Marks & Sparks and 4 tops later. Rp 946,000 Jumped in a cab. Taxi to the Harris where I intend to collect two prepacked bags which I am delivering to Sanur to the Peneeda View to await our arrival in 8 days! Taxi as you can imagine is stoked! More than happy to drag me out to Sanur and back Rp 190,000 just about back at the Harris and notice Hubby heading down to Bob’s bar so jump out and join him. Upgraded our room at the Peneeda view for Rp 1,288,000 for 14 nights.
Hubby has a foot massage at the beach for a change Rp 30,000 then drinks cost Rp 85,000 and add Rp 30,000 for two Bob’s Bar stubby holders
After a late lunch for me back up to Hotel to Meet Honeyman who rings room at exactly 5 pm to say he’s stuck in the village due to rain he will be there tomorrow at 9am. Since we are due to leave for the airport about them we are hoping that he’ll be able to make it! On the way back I collect hubby trainers from Athletes foot that they have been holding. Size 12 Brookes Rp 979,300 which includes the 30% discount that we got due to the sale!
While we are at Bob’s bar Mr 14 rings as the hotel have been knocking and ringing as our flights have been changed again and they want to know by 5pm if we will take the 1100 flight tomorrow morning to Mataram. So a few phone calls later all sorted now leaving at 1100.
Have a box in the hotel for the instruments which I now have to get to Guitar shop so that they can all be packed ready for posting! So off to dinner we go with my box. Well, I should have charged Rp 2,000 a look as the locals all wanted to know what was in my box! Taxi Rp 10,000 to Porchetta Rp 224,250 then a taxi Rp10,000 to Poppies for a final Ukulele lesson before we flight to Lombok tomorrow!
Son decides that he now needs to re-string Ukulele so Rp 90,000 later. His money his choice! We also get a spare battery Rp 25,000 for his tuner as we don’t want to be unable to tune the Ukulele in Lombok; heaven forbid!
While the final lessons is happening Hubby and I walk along to Poppies, Massa Inn, La Walon and Puri Kuta to have a peep and to be able to compare prices etc.
For those that are following the sage the instruments are in and so now there are some new ones we’ve not seen so the instruments costs are now at 1.6 million and rising!
Taxi back to Harris Rp 10,000 off to bed! Lombok tomorrow fingers crossed.
Day Eight holiday Day One Lombok
I didn’t sleep well (no doubt stressing about the flights) up early breakfast, barely any for me still not 100%. Finished the final packing and met Honeyman in reception paid final balance of Rp 650,000 and collected the glasses. Negotiated with the hotel driver to take us to the airport for our flights to Lombok Rp 70,000. When I negotiate a price I don’t tip on top of that with drivers! It’s more than I would pay a taxi.
Had to buy eats at the airport for hubby and son then of course they needs drinks are eating salty eats so Rp 100,000 later.
Saw a Bali street map like a UBD so we decided we needed one of those Rp 200,000 then there was departure tax each of Rp 30,000 x 3. Our boarding passes were hand written (this takes time x3) and we head up to the departure lounge. Our flight is listed on the board and has an 1100 ETD listed but no gate. 1100 comes and goes our flight keeps moving up the board but still no gate listed. Then at 1130 there is a final boarding call and we are off. This was the first call!!! On to bus and out to aircraft. You are handed your “meal” pastry and water in a little paper bag as you exit terminal building then you hang on for dear life on the bus as it drives like a lunatic out to the aircraft. All boarded and we are off!
Flight short-thank God -as very hot and sticky! Arrive at Lombok – one of the first off the plane and quite a walk into the terminal and then we collect our luggage. Bought a taxi voucher at counter (what a rip off) of Rp 83,500 out to Holiday Resort. (taxi from HR to Airport –on our way elsewhere later in the week only Rp47,000) But anyway!!!
The apartment is great. Two HUGE bedrooms, three balconies, one lounge dining and kitchenette and two complete bathrooms. It’s lovely in comparison for what we are actually paying. Very impressed and pleased that we decided to stay here! But it’s bucketing down and how!!!!
We bought couple of long sleaved t-shirts at the Art market for Rp 75,000 there are some really nice Lombok designs. Then we walked further back into Senggigi for supplies at the supermarket Rp 192,000 then I realized that the resort sign had said you only get two small bottles of water so back in for water Rp 26,000 but found out afterwards we get four small bottles even though we are three. J Hubby by this time is hungry so round of drinks plus garlic bread at Angel Rp 39,600. Final taxi back up to resort Rp 15,000.
One thing we did notice here is that flag fall on Taxi’s is lower than Bali they start at Rp 4250.
Early night for me - worn out. Exchange rate on Lombok in Senggigi is Rp 8200 today but I bought a fair amount of Rp over from Bali so that I won’t have to change money here. Well not yet anyway!
Day Nine holiday Day Two Lombok
Well I’m about a week behind as I just didn’t have time to write while we were in Lombok. I did manage a whole HNR and the computer then ditched me off and I lost everything so have been a bit grumpy but am over than now! Arrived back in Bali today now in Sanur but more on that later.
Rate on the street Rp 8500 but as yet still not changing money in Lombok bought enough from Kuta, Bali!
Up early and down to breakfast. Then we all went for a nice walk along the beach. I was surprised how steep the beach outside the Holiday Resort was. Then we walked all the way along to the small turtle hatchery onsite at the Holiday Resort. We had seen them before but we were in for a treat this morning as they were about to get cleaned. First they drain all the dirty water out of the tank then with the hose they clean the turtles (exactly like doing the dishes with a hose) Poor little thing were being tossed and turned and I wasn’t very happy when they got stuck on their backs and they were frantically trying to overturn themselves. Hubby said I was being silly as out in the waves they get tumbled far more. Anyway we (me) decided we’ve visit again but not at cleaning time, Mum couldn’t cope. I believe the resort have some sort of pay and you can release one if you like. I think it was Rp 40,000 but don’t quote me!
Back to the room and the laundry was collected at 0900 hubby and I organized for an outside laundry (actually opposite Asmara Restaurant – called Pisces) to come and collect my laundry each morning and to return it laundered the following morning and then repeat the process each day. Cost me Rp 15,000 per kilo. She arrived at the resort with her scales but it was far easier than me having go to collect and deliver each day! Very happy with the service and far cheaper than the resort. Also which is important the lady was on time at the agreed time. Times varied depending on our plan for the day but anywhere from 0830-0900 but she was there at the agreed time each morning!
Then off to Mataram Mall for a look. Taxi Rp 70,000 Boys had a drama one of the play station controllers not working correctly so Rp 50,000 later we had a new one. My husband was also having trouble charging his mobile as he felt the charger was draining not charging so Rp 35,000 later we have a new charger for his phone. Into Hero (large supermarket) for supplies Rp 204,348 great pick and mix section there so the boys and I got all sorts of different nibbles to try.
A friend recently gave me a great tip (thanks Josi) that is to buy zip lock bags which we did and as soon as anything got opened it got sealed and then there was no issue with the tiny ant like insects. In all my trips to Bali never thought about that one!!! Great idea.
Another great idea was to have my hubby, son and mine medications including vitamins pre-packed by the chemist. Usually I make up a weeks worth at home and do that each week. But for the ease of the holiday had them “Webster packed” and so we each just have to pop out the required day and It’s made my life so much easier! I actually feel like I’m on holiday too! No fiddling with pill bottles etc. Between the three of us we take 5 tablets and 9 vitamins. Definitely something that we will be doing again!!!
That afternoon we went for a walk to the Blue Marlin Dive School to sign my boys up. We had decided this was something that Father and Son were going to do together and it would give me a chance to use the computer without having to wrestle Mr 14. Back to the room after another walk along the beach. Started to rain so that encouraged us back earlier. We decided to SPLURGE and have one round one small beer and one lime juice at the pool bar and it set us back Rp 57,000.
Taxi Rp 15,000 down to Senggigi and we decided to eat at the De Quake and we sat upstairs with a lovely view of the beach. Free entre which my boys enjoyed and very pleasant meal all round Rp 279,510 ( 2 lge beers, 2 lime juice & 1 water) But I have to say lime juice was shocking! We all taxied back up and dropped son off then Hubby and I headed down to Senggigi for a drink in peace. Taxi Rp 30,000 It also gives our young man time online with his friends from Oz. Most evenings after this we just stuck him in the taxi with enough change to pay the driver and he was more than happy to do this!
Hubby had a beer at The Wira Cafe Rp 30,000 and they give free popcorn then we walked South all the way along to Berry’s Cafe round there for Rp 35,000 then we taxi back to the resort Rp 20,000.
Day Ten holiday Day Three Lombok
Down to breakfast early then back up to the room; Laundry delivered for Rp 30,000.
Today is day one of diving boys have theory and DVD to watch. Great; peace for me and lots of computer time. Spent the whole morning sorting out the huge load of emails that have mysteriously arrived in my inbox! Also managed to get two HNR written and posted! All happy off to lunch!
We decided to eat at Asmara – highly recommended lunch was Rp 302,450. While waiting for lunch to arrive I popped over for a look through their fixed price shop.
There are at last three fixed price shops that we found; not that we bought anything but it was nice to get an idea of what they should be asking in the local art markets etc.
Also enquired with Asmara as to how much for an all day tour. I think they call themselves etours. Rp 400,000 for the day and when would we like to go? I said I needed to speak to my hubby first. Food arrived.
We phoned and ordered taxi Rp 18,000 and back to the resort. A bit more theory then all down to the diving shop to sort out the paper work for the course!
All to the pool for a well deserved relax and rest. Then about 4pm we all decided to head back to our apartment. Good job as the heavens opened! It poured and how for about an hour!
A while later we decided to head down to Taman and eat there; again highly recommended. While we were sitting there the lights all went out and we three had a few romantic moments with the waiter till the generator kicked in! Dinner Rp 296,450 and free transport back to the resort.
We are told that most of the bigger restaurants will collect you and return you to the resort if asked. Put son in the transport and we head off for another drink! We walked along a bit had a look round the antiques shop and the fixed price wood shop (lots of jewellery type stuff but mainly wood) ended up having drinks at Bumbu Rp 40,000 and taxi back to resort. Ended up watching a DVD at the resort.
We always bring a portable DVD player as well. Means that we can have that option and always worth checking some of the DVD’s that we buy! Especially the latest released ones. But the shop where we buy them from usually tells us before we leave which ones have iffy quality and I usually choose not to get them!
Something else hubby bought along is like a bike lock for the laptop. You just attached one end to a large piece of furniture and use the little lock to secure to the computer. They can of course cut the wire but they can never remove the lock so it makes the computer less desirable for on selling. Been great so that we know it will be here once we get back to room and means we’re not dragging it everywhere unnecessarily!
Up early and down to breakfast. Oh dear mini drama no pancakes; what will Mr 14 eat!!! We survived and back to the apartment for last minute revision of theory completed then off the boys head to the pool. For a couple of hours theory then into the pool for practice dives!
I have a lovely morning typing up a few HNR’s and actually get them posted; read my book; catch up of a multitude of emails. They seem to have ideal breeding conditions in my inbox and they just breed. So after culling a few hundred. It’s noon and I head down to the pool to see where my boys are at. There are these huge black blobs on the bottom of the pool and bubbles coming up form them so assume as is well.
I head into the Resorts onsite pearl shop (which incidental has reasonable prices much to my surprise) and get a great lesson in the difference between salt water and fresh water pearls. There is a stunning single pearl ring set in white gold but would have to take my wedding rings off to wear it and really don’t think Hubby would be keen on that idea. So just admired it for a while.
Head back to the room via the pool to find Hubby sitting out others are still black blobs on the bottom of the pool! It seems that after a day and a half of theory and a couple of hours of practical Hubby decides that diving isn’t something he wants to pursue. He’s not enjoying it and really was only doing it to keep Mr 14 company! So now I have only one boy diving and hubby watching!
Decided to order chippies from room service so that I don’t fade away into nothing! Rp 34,000. Only drama was that Mr 14 got terribly burnt in the pool as he was wearing short sleaved wetsuit with a short sleaved rash top.
So now we are searching for long sleaved rash top before tomorrow - So we taxi down Rp 17,000 to Senggigi but there’s nothing there so after a fabulous dinner that not only tasted good but looked spectacular as well. Ate at Lotus Bay View. Rp 384,615 Got given a discount card which gets us 10% off the other Lotus restaurants around Indonesian (Cafe Lotus-Ubud, Lotus Pond-Sanur, Lotus Lane-Ubud, lotus Garden- Nusa Dua and Lotus Seaview- Candidasa then there are 4 more in Singapore) It poured while we sat and ate overlooking the bay!
We taxi back to resort and drop off Mr 14 and we head to Mataram Mall to see what we can find! Rp 70,000 We bought two tops not sure which would be best. A long sleaved soccer shirt for Rp 24,500 then a surf type long sleaved t-shirt for Rp 186,000. It turns out the cheap one was perfect to do the job! Taxi back Rp 70,000 to resort; early night for all we’re all worn out!
Rp 8600 changed money at the BMC. Best rate and excellent service.
Left laundry Rp 30,000 out as we had to be at the dive shop for 0845; laundry collected and delivered just as requested. Asked hotel to re-confirm our flights back to Bali – and yes the saga of ETD changes begins again. But far less stressful this time as we know what to expect!
No pancakes for a second day running; this is not good! We head north and drive round the coast for about 30 minutes and then we grab the Blue Marlin Boat to Gilli T.
I was very happy with the service Blue Marlin offered except two points.
My son was issued with a temporary PADI card; just a print out of his online registration but it was unsigned. Lucky when he went diving back in Bali this wasn’t an issue but it could have been. Should have been signed by his instructor before it was given to us.
My other whinge. I have spent most of my 40 years alongside the ocean and out messing around on boats. I hold my WA Skippers Ticket (Boat Drivers Licence)and was horrified that Blue Marlin (and 99% of all the diving organization we saw) failed to fly the international Divers Below flag when they had Divers submerged. When I asked the boat crew they said we all know Diver below. When I asked the Instructor he was really vague and when I bought it up finally with the guy running the show in Senggigi he shrugged and said welcome to Indonesian. I can only say this; hopefully since they were teaching my son to dive I hope they were no other corners that they cut while we were there.
I was under the impression that the Diver below flag was not negotiable anywhere! Anyway!!!
A VERY wet boat trip back to Lombok!!! We just got back to the room and the heavens opened!
Taxi down to Senggigi Rp 30,000 and got him to wait while I changed money. Mr 14 was worn out so he ate in the room from room service. We actually drove toward Mataram looking for a restaurant my Hubby had seen called the Beach Shack but we gave up and headed back to where we knew! Ate at the Papaya expensive for what we received. Rp157,550 (1 sm beer and 1 soft drink) Hubby very unimpressed and so was I after I saw a rat happily sitting by the coloured lights cleaning itself. (I am aware that there are rats everywhere – I just don’t want to see them while I eat) Across the road, to Bar u, for Hubby to have a portion of Onion rings; still hungry! We also had a drink large Beer and soft drink for me Rp 61,000.
Walked up to an old favourite The Office Rp 50,000 then taxi home Rp 20,000 via the supermarket for supplies Rp 89,500. An early night for us all.
Day thirteen of our holiday but only Day 6 Lombok.
Rate on the street Rp 8550.
Up early and breakfast has been moved from the restaurant (they told us yesterday so we knew in advance) to the pool bar/restaurant due to a huge insurance conference taking over the main restaurant. I actually quite enjoyed the changed. Boys not so sure. Not that it really matters!
Pancakes back on the menu so we’re all happy! Breakfast fairly early again due to heading off for a final day of diving on Gilli T and surrounds! Laundry delivered and dropped off Rp 30,000. Drive up the coast again and met up with our Blue Marlin Crew.
Hubby and I had decided that we were going to spend the morning on Gilli T I was really looking forward to it. Those that know WA and Rotto (short for Rottnest - was originally called Ratsnest due to the local Quokkas- Google for more info) Gilli T reminds me of a Rotto from my child hood when it was pre-commercial tourist type places. Anyway..........I diverse!
We jump off and head left – walking all the way along. Lots of accommodation (from 5 star to home stay)and restaurants and many many Dive organizations. Then we stopped for a drink in a tiny cafe near the sort of square behind the main jetty. Rp 18,000. It was extremely hot walking round in the early morning as Shade that way was limited. When we walked right and all the way along there was quite a bit more shade.
With hind site what we should have done was taken a horse and cart around the island but by the time we thought about this we were nearly outta time. A must do for next time. Maybe!
Some serious swell on the way back but the Skipper seemed very experienced and looked after us well. Back to the resort to complete the final paperwork and Congratulations Mr 14 now has his Junior Open Water Diving qualification.
A bit of time spend relaxing before dinner Taxi Rp 22,000 to Bar U after changing money at BMC. Dinner Rp 256,000 and then Mr 14 taxi back to room. Drink at Cafe Coco Loco after booking our driver for the day tomorrow through Asmara. Taxi back via supermarket for more supplies.
Well those that have been following closely will notice that I’ve been quiet. Fine now; and I mean that! But yesterday I would have been quite happy if I had died. I will never eat fish ever again! Definitely had food poisoning! I have never been soo ill in my life!
Our last full day in Lombok. Up early and had breakfast we were collected by Herman our prearranged Driver for our day out.
So like usual ended up buying nothing but enjoyed the outing. Then we moved on to the weaving area where we were met out of the car by a guide who started on the hard sell. This really isn’t my thing so I wasn’t all that interested. I had decided that I wanted a couple of throws for the couch but I’m not paying the annual income of a small nation for the privilege. So after again buying nothing we headed off to Kuta.
Then to add insult to injury Herman suggests that we head to the Novotel for a drink. Sounds like a plan. Rp104,060 for three soft drinks!!!!! What we saved on lunch we certainly spent on afternoon tea!
Time to head back to Seggigi all a bit worn out after our day out. Noticed more and more poverty the further south we headed but it really is a lovely place. Looking forward to heading East If we return. That debate is currently in progress. Value for money you can’t beat the Holiday resort (4 stars)and the space in the two bedroom apartment was fabulous. But Hubby isn’t so sure Lombok is for him. Son enjoyed the diving and could quite happily spend a week there diving but hubby’s not too sure there’s enough to keep him entertained.
So we’ll just have to wait and see if we return or not! But if we do definitely won’t be flying Trans Nusa Air!
We decide to have a bit of a rest then we are going to try Warung Menega. We taxi out there Rp 27,000 and sit down at the front on the beach and get the menu. Only seafood. Not a worry for hubby and I but Mr 14 won‘t touch it so we left. No chicken or anything, sadly not even french fries. Only fish and seafood. So maybe another time when son is not in tow!
So we head back into town Rp 15,000 and try to eat at Berry’s. We sit order a round of drinks and our meal. Rp 51,000 Then they come out and tell us that whatever my Hubby has ordered isn’t on the menu. So then the boys decide we are moving and eating somewhere else. Story of my life today!
We walk down to Bumbu and enjoy a meal there. Rp 230,000. Son in a taxi back to resort Rp 20,000 and hubby and I head back to The office Rp 50,000 then we taxi home Rp 15,000.
As soon as we arrive back reception is on the phone telling us that our flight has changed again!!! Back to 1100...............
Day Fifteen of holiday; day seven Lombok now to Sanur for two weeks. Exactly half way through our holiday.
Up early and off to breakfast. The brekkie is back in the main restaurant so my boys are happy campers. Final Laundry Rp 53,000 is delivered and we check out. Taxi to the airport Rp 50,000 (which really annoys me as the airport taxi is Rp 83,500-I don‘t like being ripped off!!!!) and what really urkes me is that includes a good tip!!!! Departure taxi to leave Lombok Rp 60,000 (3x 20,000) and 15,000 drinks at the airport.
Taxi from airport to Sanur Peneeda View Rp 95,000. The since we were all starving straight across the road for lunch at Corriander Rp 287,650 (1 Lge Beer, 4 lime juice & 1 water)
Back to hotel to unpack and then we head up to Ronald’s Restaurant to say G’day. For many years now we’ve been going to Ronald’s Restaurant and Ronald organizes whatever we need. He really is a Mr fix it as you will see. His restaurant has an internet cafe at the back and since last year a telephone service for those that wish t make phone calls home. He also organizes tours diving etc etc.
Mr 14 has spat the dummy as the only wifi in the hotel is in reception. And you need to pay by the second. Not a happy camper by any means. Drinks and Ice-cream later Rp 125,000 Ronald says come back later. When we arrive back later Ronald has organized a modem for my son and we just return when we leave. I paid the pre-paid credit of Rp 105,000.
Hotel via Hardies for supplies Rp 277,946 We bought a box of 24 small Bintangs. Ronald will provide them cheaper but you need to return the bottles. We can’t be bothered doing that so we just buy at Hardy’s and let the hotel staff worry about the bottles.
All had a swim and a cool off and we are off up the beach in search of Kity. We say Hello – Kity has been another good friend for years. We eat at Tootsie – odd we don’t recognize any of the staff there anymore!!! Taxi down to Ronald’s to collect new modem. Spent a little time sorting modem but Mr 14 happy as he can now game online again! Long first day in Sanur but pleased to be home.
More later for those that are interested. Thanks for reading.
Up early and it was cool so we walked up to Ronald’s Cafe had breakfast Rp 117,000 then organized to hire push bikes off Ronald. You Take the bikes we worry about the money later.
Well I need to digress slightly here. I haven’t ridden a bike for years!!!! I mean YEARS!!!! The last time I was on a bike (must have been about 9 or 10) and I recall looking back over my shoulder to call the dog and when I looked back to the front I watch the front wheel roll away the rest they say is history. I was in quite a bad accident and really have had no desire to ride at all in Bali or anywhere else
But we have bikes. So we are riding. I manage to get on and stay on for a bit but my seat is too high so we get that altered later. But for the first three days I have to stop every time someone else comes along as I’m not sure how to pass then without hurting them! It’s all in the mind. So when we ride to home from breakfast to say that I am an emotional mess is a serious understatement!
Right after recovering from the emotional scarring of having to ride back form breakfast I decide that I need to find somewhere to do the laundry. Those that have been following know that I was paying Rp 7,000 per kilo in Kuta and Rp 15,000 per kilo in Lombok but that was delivered to the hotel door!
Straight opposite the Peneeda View is a laundry sign so we wait for the shop to open. When she arrives she weights me laundry and says it’s 3.2 kilos and she wants Rp 20,000 per kilo. Once I had recovered from the impending heart attack I told her no way and started walking towards Hardy’s.
Now it’s not so cool and I’m dragging over three kilos of washing and the boys are far from impressed. Just pay the price etc etc!!!
Well next thing we end back at Ronald’s and I still have my laundry and his staff say you leave here Ronald will fix. So I leave it as told. Hubby then asks how much I told him I don’t care! You can imagine I don’t hear the end of that for hours!!!! Should have just paid the Rp 20,000 per kilo! So it would have cost me Rp 64,000 across from the hotel. When I did receive my laundry back it only cost me Rp 31,000 so really now can’t complain and that did shut my boys up somewhat!
I’m a principle kinda girl! We eat lunch at the Star Cafe Rp 241,000 (2 lge beer and 4 lemon juice) We didn’t realize till days later when I was reading through the receipts that they under charged us by one complete main course! Anyway!
Hubby decided that he was off to the Sports Lazer Bar to watch the Rugby Grand Final! Mr 14 and I decided to stay here and enjoy the internet and the pool. Rugby beers Rp 125,000. Taxi Ro 10,000 later to the Trophy Bar. We eat here every year and every year say we won’t be back and then I think we forget! Portions have got smaller while the prices remain the same. Very unimpressed! Rp 290,000 (2 lge beer and 4 lemon juice) then Hubby and I taxi up the Sindo Markets Rp 12,000 stopping briefly at the Hotel to let son out. Said hello to some old friends and then walked down to Kity for a beer on the beach! After Kity’s walked through the Bonsai to main road down to Ronald’s for one round before heading home.
Rp 8600 All up reasonable early and we decide to ride to breakfast. God help me! I walk all the way with my bike and manage to ride back I even passed 4 people now there’s an improvement. I also rode through some sand; there is hope yet! Maybe!
We ate at Tootsie Rp128,000 – now we have been regular Tootsie breakfasters for years. Where’s Yani? It seems that none of the regular staff are there? Where are they? We ask around on the beach and it seems that Yani is now at the Swastika Lemon restaurant on the main road! More later on that! Back to the room to cool off and to try and bring my BP down. This bike riding lark is all well and good but boy do I feel the stress!
We hire Wayan from the Hotel drive for the morning (half day Rp 200,000) and we are off to Kuta. We drop Mr 14 at the guitar shop in Poppies 1 and we head up to see Danny. Who I dearly miss as he organized my laundry for Rp 7,000 per kilo! Anyway two pairs of shorts later. Rp120,000 we headed down the beach to find Bob’s Bar to say G’day! Cost us a small fortune! Drinks Rp 70,000, 3 muscles shirts on the beach Rp 100,000 then hubby has massage Rp 20,000, Manicure Rp 30,000 and the jungle cleaned Rp 50,000 – not going there!
While in Kuta we exchange one of the PS2 games that we already bought that appears not to be playing correctly and we then head by Taxi Rp 10,000 to discovery to buy another PS2 controller! Rp 60,000.
While in Discovery I pop into Marks and Sparks to pick myself up a second top that I really like – not going there either! Taxi back to Poppies 1 Rp 10,000 and we walk along to see Mr 14. He’s splurging on two new picks for Rp 12,000 and I get my two throws for the couch. 2 single batik covers which match my queen I’ve already bought Rp 500,000. Off for lunch at Bali Agung Rp 200,000 (2 large beers and 4 lime juice)
We ring our driver Wayan and get him to collect us at the end of Poppies and we head home via Tom’s music. We aren‘t in the store for more than 10 minutes but now Mr 14 has decided that he’s taking an amp home! How on earth are we to manage that? But we manage to convince Mr 14 that since Dad and I know nothing about amps he needs to talk to Rafi before buying one. Now we have a plan! I just bought myself some time!
Back to the room we tip the Driver an extra Rp 50,000 as we were quite a bit longer than we had planned! We relax for a bit and then we head next door to the Warung Pantai Indah for afternoon tea Rp 80,000 as Mr 14 has Fotsal again with the hotel team at 1800. He’s collected and dropped off so hubby and I have a few hours to ourselves!
We taxi Rp 10,000 up to the night markets; these have certainly changed. Not sure of the better certainly more clean but they appear to have lost some of their appeal. Well in my humble opinion anyway!
We walk down to the beach and have a drink at the Restaurant Segara Agung – Sanur Beach Markets. Rp 50,000 then we walk along to the Beach Cafe and have dinner there. Rp 221,000 (one lge beer & one lime juice) my main arrived and my rice was served in a coconut; lovely! Walked along to Kity and had drinks Rp 45,000 then we walked home.
JBR............................1 add on to HNR 18
Ok…………well you’ll have to excuse the break between reports but we are now home and I have the final 10 days to report on which I intend to make a start on now. Ben shamed into it by Stormy! If she hadn’t asked me to complete I probably won’t have! So thanks for the motivation!
Just to recap we are on day 18 of our 28 day trip and day 4 of our stay in Sanur.
Up later than normal and rode (yep that’s right I rode all the way and back) right as you come out of the hotel (south I suppose) and ate breakfast at a tiny little Warung called Sanur Bay Dive Area. Rp 90,000 for the three of us!
Back to the room we have a problem with our internet so back to Ronalds to fix the modem and collect my laundry! Mr 14 played online for a bit at Ronald’s Internet Café (after booking diving for tomorrow) while hubby and I went to hardy’s for supplies. Rp 65,000. Back to hotel to relax for a bit, after hubby had a hair and beard trim Rp 85,00 at Chic then off out to Mangoes on the beach for lunch. Very unimpressed actually!!! Worst lime juice I’ve ever had and it was actually undrinkable! Food left a lot to be desired to!!! Rp 325,000. Went to Kity shop (her actually shop not her brothers shop where we find her most evenings) she’s right down the back on the right hand side behind Tootsie in the markets! Picked up some singlets 5 x Rp 25,000 for a friend’s son and three pair of trousers for me Rp 50,000 x 3 and then ordered a whole heap of long sleaved t-shirts for hubby and son.
Taxi back to the hotel Rp 12,000 and spent the afternoon by the pool. Taxi down to Massimo’s for dinner Rp 290,000; fabulous pasta and pizzas but we all know that!!! Wasn’t overly impressed that we weren’t asked about smoking and non smoking but ended up right in the middle of non smoking as we left heard people being offered the choice. Will make sure we chose upon arrival next time!
Back to Ronalds to collect modem; all is now fine! Then off to Kity’s to met a very nice Romanian/German Lady Inggy (please excuse my spelling of your name if you happen to read this) drinks Rp 50.000 then headed back to hotel early night maybe Mum’s getting sick!! Nose is starting to run!
On arrival back at hotel Mum’s spots a huge gecko. Looks more like an Australian bob tail (blue tongue lizard) whatever you want to call it but all I know is that he’s beady eyes are watching me while I am in the bathroom and I really do not want to share our hotel with “George”. Son dragged in to rescue me but of course George never showed his face when anyone else was there to see. I told George that I don’t care what time of the day or night it was if he started with his Gecko noise during the night I would be ringing reception and demanding that the whole place was fumigated. survice to say George kept a low profile when I was around! As far as I know he’s still in the bathroom of 135 hiding behind the wardrobe thingy!
JBR............................2 add on to HNR 18
Up early and breakfast in the hotel as we are being collect at 0730 for diving. Very unimpressed for the money. Rp 130,000. Taken to the dive shop/office in Sanur and equipment etc loaded and dive paid for and paperwork all sorted and we’re off to Pading Bai! Arrive at 0900 and Mr 14 and Mohammad, his guide, also a master teacher of diving head off to do two one hour dives with a 40 minute break on board the dive boat. Mr 14 and Mohammad arrive back at the Dive Restaurant from 1130 and order lunch. Lunch, two dives, transport and all equipment included for Rp 655,000. Was very impressed with the professionalize of the dive company and will be more than happy to use again next year. Also to recommend.
While Mr 14 diving we had a walk through Pading Bai and had a drink at Alola Rp 20,000 then we walked back to the restaurant that the diving company use which is attached to the Puri Rai hotel and had a another couple of soft drinks to cool down Rp 40,000. Hubby and I had to pay for our lunch Rp 113,300 and I have to say I had the BEST Sate sauce here that I’ve ever tasted!!!! Definitely worth the trip to Pading Bai just for that!!!!
I relaxed in the restaurant and hubby went for a walk up the mountain side tot the temple! All back at the hotel for 1400 and worn out. Mr 14 and I ended up at the pool and hubby went for a bike ride! Up off to Ronalds for dinner. Rp 303,187 then son and I walked to tailor! While in the tailor I got a phone call on my Bali sim to say that I’ve won a prize. Not sure about all this not just a prize but second prize. Tell little man to ring back in an hour when Hubby is here. Which he does. So we are the winners of two prizes. A week accommodation in Bali to use next trip and a meal for this trip to the value of Rp 200,00 but we need to collect our prize in Jimberan tomorrow. They will collect us; what have we got to lose! So we arrange to be in reception for 1000 next morning. Off to bed!
In my excitement of winning a prize forgot to tell you about the tailor. We have been using her for years. She’s next door the Duck’s Nutz! Name escapes me right this second. But we’ve taken son’s trousers to her and asked for an exact copy which will be Rp 175,000 and two pairs of soccer shorts to be made extra long (as he’s soo tall) 300,000 for the two. Then got his referring shorts lengthen at the waist so not to damage the emblems etc and that cost Rp 30,000 and you can barely see where it’s been done!
Rp 8740
Up early but it’s raining; oh no that means we can’t ride to breakfast; I’m devastated; no riding today! Yippy a reprieve!
We Taxi down Rp 10,000 to Natel Bale and have breakfast there Rp 145,000 taxi back Rp 12,000 then relaxing till collected to go and fetch our prize!
Well we are collected and off we go. When we get into the vehicle he starts talking about Royal (I whisper to hubby I am far from impressed. Royal is that bloody company that are connected with the time share give aways that we spend our life in Kuta avoiding!) Hubby said don’t stress we’ll go hear what it’s all about and I’m telling you now it AUD $25,000.
So I am far from happy if they had been upfront and told us we had to listen to the time share spiel I wouldn’t have minded but they kept that a secret. I just don’t like being lied to. How did we get involved I entered a completion in my friends restaurant and apparently I was the weekly winner.
We were told when we arrived at Royal HQ’s that we would only be an hour. Nearly 3 hours later we were dropped back at our hotel. Yep they wanted AUD $25,000) but a discount if we pay today! They really tried the hard sell! Unbelievable but we got our free prizes. If I pay US $100 we get one weeks free accommodation to be used within the next two years. Don’t know! Will think about it! And we received a voucher for the Lotus Pond in Sanur Rp 200,000.
If they had been upfront I wouldn’t have minded but again I just don’t like being lied to! What did we loss a few hours of our holiday and we learnt a lesson now that people are refusing to take the time share cards on the street they are tricking people into seeing the options other ways! Lesson learnt!
Lunch on the beach at Warung next door to hotel Rp 260,000. Son ready to chew own arms off he was soo hungry!
Swam late in the pool then off out to an old favourite to have fresh tuna for dinner. Annual affair Rp 290,000. Tuna was delicious! Always is! Drinks at Kity later and early night.
Day 21 Day 7 Sanur Rp 8715
OMG I’m dying!!!! Up at 0630 vomiting! Tuna but it can’t be hubby had exactly the same as me and he’s fine! I felt a lot better after being sick but we all had slept late so told Mr 14 to eat a packet of Oreos for breakfast as we have to met our Friend K at Waterbom for 0900. Heading to Kuta in the taxi I am slowly turning green. Tell hubby to get the taxi to stop NOW out and throw up again and feel somewhat better. The only reason that I have gone along with then is that I have a bloody appt in Kuta at Discovery to get my nails done. And when we left I wasn’t feeling too bad!
Well dropped them Rp 70,000 at waterbom…………..exact costs are iffy as I felt so rotten couldn’t have careless what anything cost! I am dying!!!! Put 1 Million on the wrist band after paying for three entrances and deposits etc, they all had lunch and I got Rp 300,000 change so roughly Rp 700,000 for the day! Anyway!
Met a friend from school canteen at waterbom but was too busy dying to even say hello! Small world though. So walk down to Mrs Pak’s starting to feel a little better; but although the sign says she opens at 0900 not open! Welcome to Indonesian! Off to walk a little further to the little supermarket when I bought my hubby some reading glasses for Rp 43,000 the other day. Bought a second pair and a bottle of water and a can of sprite (Rp 10,000 for the two) for some energy! Small sip of water; maybe I might live after all!
Walk back to Mrs Pak and collect my2nd little ring that I have had made. T’s perfect! Exactly what I asked for and I’m happy with the price. I’m very impressed more than happy to recommend and to use her again!
Back to Discovery. Sit up top waiting for 1000 for it to open! I am not well. Walk to salon where I am booked I to get nails done and it’s not open! I am dying and no-one cares. Well that’s not true. After waiting around outside the salon and I’m hot and sweating terribly I go in to the toilets and sit on a bench next to a Japanese tourist who tells me I look terrible and she will call me an ambulance. I assure her (not that I feel it at all) that I am ok and I just need to sit for a moment. Anyway I do feel a little better go outside and into the nail salon. They sit me down and start pampering me and I do start to feel a little better. Half a bottle of water later. Two sips of sprite OH MY GOD I will die. I am going to throw up and I can’t even make it to the toilet next door to the salon. I stumble to the little tiny sink in the salon (thank god I am the only customer) and take some serious deep breaths and I manage to talk myself out of vomiting!
Girls in the salon decide this need drastic action and I am sat in the pedicure chairs to complete the nails after they rub some sort of oil onto my neck. It smells a lot like Eucalyptus and remarkably I start to feel better! But I am still dying!
But that didn’t stop me noticing how rude some Ladies can be!!!